
Unofficial site and not affiliated with
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    idIMDB Yes ^tt\\d{7}$ IMDB Identifier of movie
    actors No 0, 1, 2 0 Actors of the movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve cast
    1: Retrieves main cast
    2: Retrieves full cast
    actorActress No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the sex of the character (actor or actress). The value of actors must be: 1 or 2
    actorTrivia No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the trivialities of the actors. biography must be 1
    aka No 0, 1 0 Name by which the movie is known
    awards No 0, 1 0 Awards won by the movie in various festivals
    biography No 0, 1 0 Biography of the actors. The value of actors must be: 1 or 2
    bornDied No 0, 1 0 Dates and places of birth and death of actor/actress. biography must be 1
    business No 0, 1 0 Retrieve data for the movie business
    companyCredits No 0, 1, 2 0 Retrieve the companies of a movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve the companies
    1: Retrieves the companies of the main page of movie
    2: Retrieves all companies of the movie
    directors No 1, 2 1 Directors of the movie:
    1: Retrieves directors of main page
    2: Retrieves all directors
    filmingLocations No 0, 1, 2 0 Retrieve the companies of a movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve the filming locations
    1: Retrieves the main filming location
    2: Retrieves all filming locations
    filmography No 0, 1 0 Filmography of the name. biography must be 1
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
    fullSize No 0, 1 0 Real size of image
    goofs No 0, 1 0 Goofs of the movie
    keyword No 0, 1 0 Keywords of the movie
    lang No en-us, es-es, fr-fr, zh-cn... en-us Language for some results. Only works with title, releaseDate and rated
    moviePhotos No 0, 1, 2 0 Photos of the movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve photos
    1: Retrieves photos preview
    2: Retrieves full information of the photos
    movieTrivia No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the trivialities of the movie
    movieVideos No 0, 1, 2 0 Videos of the movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve videos
    1: Retrieves videos preview
    2: Retrieves full information of the videos
    quotes No 0, 1 0 Quotes of the movie
    seasons No 0, 1 0 Retrieve the seasons and episodes (for series only)
    seasonYear No 0, 1 0 Retrieves seasons by number or year. The value of seasons must be 1
    similarMovies No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the information of People who liked this also liked...
    starSign No 0, 1 0 Star sign of actor/actress. biography must be 1
    technical No 0, 1 0 Retrieves movie technical data
    trailers No 0, 1 0 Retrieve the trailer and information on the same
    uniqueName No 0, 1 0 Unique Name of the actor in Imdb. The value of biography must be: 1
    writers No 1, 2 1 writers of the movie:
    1: Retrieves writers of main page
    2: Retrieves all writers
    callback No myapifilms Callback function name for JSONP
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actors JSON List of actors with next information:
    actorId: Imdb Id of the actor
    actorName: Name of the actor, actress, director...
    biography: Retrieves all Name Fields
    character: Character played by actor
    main: Indicates whether the principal actor in the cast
    uniqueName: Unique name in Imdb
    urlCharacter: Url of the character
    urlProfile: Url of profile of the actor
    urlPhoto: Url to the photo of the actor
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    akas JSON List of Also Known As. Retrieve country, title and comment
    awards JSON List of awards:
    award (String): Name of Award
    titlesAwards (List): List of awards
    categories (Json): Categories and names
    category (String): Name of category
    names (List): List of names
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name
    role (String): Role
    biography JSON List of Biography. Retrieve bio, birthName, dateOfBirth, height, name, placeOfBirth and urlPhoto
    business JSON Business of the movie. Retrieve budget, openingWeekend, grossUsa and worldwide
    companyCreditsSimple JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve idCompany and name
    companyCreditsFull JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve type and company
    type (String): Section in which the company has participated
    company (JSON): Company information:
    idCompany (String): IMDB ID of the company
    company (String): Name of the company
    countries List List of countries
    directors JSON List of directors. Retrieve nameId and name
    filmingLocations JSON List of filming locations
    location (String): Filming location
    remarks (String): Remark of filming location
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    genres List List of genres
    goofs List List of goofs
    idIMDB String IMDB identifier
    keywords List List of keywords of the movie
    languages List List of languages
    metascore String Metascore of movie
    movieTrivia List List of movie's trivia
    originalTitle String Original title of movie
    plot String Plot of movie
    quotes List List of quotes
    rated String Rate of movie
    rating String Rating of movie
    releaseDate String Release date of the movie
    runtime String Runtime of the movie
    seasonInfo JSON For episodes, retrieves the name of Serie, season and episode:
    episode (String): Number of episode
    season (String): Number of season
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of Serie TV
    seasons JSON List of seasons (only when series). Retrieve numSeason (seasonYear=0) or yearSeason (seasonYear=1) and episodes (date, episode, idIMDB, plot, title, urlPoster)
    similarMovies JSON Similar movies to the searched
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Title
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simplePlot String Simple plot of movie
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    technical JSON Technical details of the movie. Retrieve runtime(List), soundMix(List), color(List), aspectRatio(List), camera(List), laboratory(List), filmLength(List), negativeFormat(List), cinematographicProcess(List), printedFilmFormat(List)
    title String Title of the movie in the language searched. If not specified, the default is "en-us"
    trailer JSON Trailer and information of the movie. Retrieve contentRating(String), courtesyOf(String), description(String), duration(String), qualities(List)(quality, videoURL), relatedNames(List)(id, name), relatedTitles(List)(id, name), title(String), type(String), videoURL(String)
    type String Indicates if movie is: TV Series, TV Episode, Video Game, TV Movie, TV Special, TV Mini-Series, Video or Movie
    urlIMDB String URL of the movie on IMDB
    urlPoster String URL of poster of movie
    votes String Number of votes for the movie
    writers JSON List of writers. Retrieve nameId and name
    year String Year of movie
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    title Yes Title of movie(s)
    adultSearch No 0, 1 0 Adult results in the search
    actors No 0, 1, 2 0 Actors of the movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve cast
    1: Retrieves main cast
    2: Retrieves full cast
    actorActress No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the sex of the character (actor or actress). The value of actors must be: 1 or 2
    actorTrivia No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the trivialities of the actors. biography must be 1
    aka No 0, 1 0 Name by which the movie is known
    awards No 0, 1 0 Awards won by the movie in various festivals
    bornDied No 0, 1 0 Dates and places of birth and death of actor/actress. biography must be 1
    biography No 0, 1 0 Biography of the actors. The value of actors must be: 1 or 2
    business No 0, 1 0 Retrieve data for the movie business
    companyCredits No 0, 1, 2 0 Retrieve the companies of a movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve the companies
    1: Retrieves the companies of the main page of movie
    2: Retrieves all companies of the movie
    exactFilter No 0, 1 0 Retrieve the movies with exact name
    filmingLocations No 0, 1, 2 0 Retrieve the companies of a movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve the filming locations
    1: Retrieves the main filming location
    2: Retrieves all filming locations
    filmography No 0, 1 0 Filmography of the name. biography must be 1
    filter No 2 (N), 3 (M), 4 (TV), 5 (TVE), 6 (VG) 2 Different category of results:
    2: None. Includes Movie, TV, Video game
    3: Movie
    4: TV Series, TV Movies, TV Short
    5: TV Episode
    6: Video Games
    forceYear No 0, 1 0 Add the year to the title search
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
    fullSize No 0, 1 0 Real size of image
    goofs No 0, 1 0 Goofs of the movie
    keyword No 0, 1 0 Keywords of the movie
    lang No en-us, es-es, fr-fr, zh-cn... en-us Language for some results. Only works with title, releaseDate and rated
    limit No 1 to 10 1 Maximum limit results
    moviePhotos No 0, 1, 2 0 Photos of the movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve photos
    1: Retrieves photos preview
    2: Retrieves full information of the photos
    movieTrivia No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the trivialities of the movie
    movieVideos No 0, 1, 2 0 Videos of the movie:
    0: Doesn't retrieve videos
    1: Retrieves videos preview
    2: Retrieves full information of the videos
    offset No 0 Number of results that will be ignored before retrieving indicated on limit
    quotes No 0, 1 0 Quotes of the movie
    starSign No 0, 1 0 Star sign of actor/actress. biography must be 1
    seasons No 0, 1 0 Retrieve the seasons and episodes (for series only)
    seasonYear No 0, 1 0 Retrieves seasons by number or year. The value of seasons must be 1
    similarMovies No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the information of People who liked this also liked...
    technical No 0, 1 0 Retrieves movie technical data
    trailer No 0, 1 0 Retrieve the trailer and information on the same
    uniqueName No 0, 1 0 Unique Name of the actor in Imdb. The value of biography must be: 1
    year No \\d{4} Year of movie. When informed, the limit field is ignored
    callback No myapifilms Callback function name for JSONP
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actors JSON List of actors with next information:
    actorId: Imdb Id of the actor
    actorName: Name of the actor, actress, director...
    biography: Retrieves all Name Fields
    character: Character played by actor
    main: Indicates whether the principal actor in the cast
    uniqueName: Unique name in Imdb
    urlCharacter: Url of the character
    urlProfile: Url of profile of the actor
    urlPhoto: Url to the photo of the actor
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    akas JSON List of Also Known As. Retrieve country, title and comment
    awards JSON List of awards:
    award (String): Name of Award
    titlesAwards (List): List of awards
    categories (Json): Categories and names
    category (String): Name of category
    names (List): List of names
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name
    role (String): Role
    biography JSON List of Biography. Retrieve bio, birthName, dateOfBirth, height, name, placeOfBirth and urlPhoto
    business JSON Business of the movie. Retrieve budget, openingWeekend, grossUsa and worldwide
    companyCreditsSimple JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve idCompany and name
    companyCreditsFull JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve type and company
    type (String): Section in which the company has participated
    company (JSON): Company information:
    idCompany (String): IMDB ID of the company
    company (String): Name of the company
    countries List List of countries
    directors JSON List of directors. Retrieve nameId and name
    filmingLocations JSON List of filming locations
    location (String): Filming location
    remarks (String): Remark of filming location
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    genres List List of genres
    goofs List List of goofs
    idIMDB String IMDB identifier
    keywords List List of keywords of the movie
    languages List List of languages
    metascore String Metascore of movie
    movieTrivia List List of movie's trivia
    originalTitle String Original title of movie
    plot String Plot of movie
    quotes List List of quotes
    rated String Rate of movie
    rating String Rating of movie
    releaseDate String Release date of the movie
    runtime String Runtime of the movie
    seasonInfo JSON For episodes, retrieves the name of Serie, season and episode:
    episode (String): Number of episode
    season (String): Number of season
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of Serie TV
    seasons JSON List of seasons (only when series). Retrieve numSeason (seasonYear=0) or yearSeason (seasonYear=1) and episodes (date, episode, idIMDB, plot, title, urlPoster)
    similarMovies JSON Similar movies to the searched
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Title
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simplePlot String Simple plot of movie
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    technical JSON Technical details of the movie. Retrieve runtime(List), soundMix(List), color(List), aspectRatio(List), camera(List), laboratory(List), filmLength(List), negativeFormat(List), cinematographicProcess(List), printedFilmFormat(List)
    title String Title of the movie in the language searched. If not specified, the default is "en-us"
    trailer JSON Trailer and information of the movie. Retrieve contentRating(String), courtesyOf(String), description(String), duration(String), qualities(List)(quality, videoURL), relatedNames(List)(id, name), relatedTitles(List)(id, name), title(String), type(String), videoURL(String)
    type String Indicates if movie is: TV Series, TV Episode, Video Game, TV Movie, TV Special, TV Mini-Series, Video or Movie
    urlIMDB String URL of the movie on IMDB
    urlPoster String URL of poster of movie
    votes String Number of votes for the movie
    writers JSON List of writers. Retrieve nameId and name
    year String Year of movie
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    start No 1-250 1 First film to retrieve
    end No 1-250 10 Last film to retrieve. If not reported, the film will recover the start parameter
    data No 0, 1 0 0: Retrieves the basic information about the film (chart/top)
    1: Retrieves all information about the film, with defaults options
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actors JSON List of actors with next information:
    actorId: Imdb Id of the actor
    actorName: Name of the actor, actress, director...
    biography: Retrieves all Name Fields
    character: Character played by actor
    main: Indicates whether the principal actor in the cast
    uniqueName: Unique name in Imdb
    urlCharacter: Url of the character
    urlProfile: Url of profile of the actor
    urlPhoto: Url to the photo of the actor
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    akas JSON List of Also Known As. Retrieve country, title and comment
    awards JSON List of awards:
    award (String): Name of Award
    titlesAwards (List): List of awards
    categories (Json): Categories and names
    category (String): Name of category
    names (List): List of names
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name
    role (String): Role
    biography JSON List of Biography. Retrieve bio, birthName, dateOfBirth, height, name, placeOfBirth and urlPhoto
    business JSON Business of the movie. Retrieve budget, openingWeekend, grossUsa and worldwide
    companyCreditsSimple JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve idCompany and name
    companyCreditsFull JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve type and company
    type (String): Section in which the company has participated
    company (JSON): Company information:
    idCompany (String): IMDB ID of the company
    company (String): Name of the company
    countries List List of countries
    directors JSON List of directors. Retrieve nameId and name
    filmingLocations JSON List of filming locations
    location (String): Filming location
    remarks (String): Remark of filming location
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    genres List List of genres
    goofs List List of goofs
    idIMDB String IMDB identifier
    keywords List List of keywords of the movie
    languages List List of languages
    metascore String Metascore of movie
    movieTrivia List List of movie's trivia
    originalTitle String Original title of movie
    plot String Plot of movie
    quotes List List of quotes
    rated String Rate of movie
    rating String Rating of movie
    releaseDate String Release date of the movie
    runtime String Runtime of the movie
    seasonInfo JSON For episodes, retrieves the name of Serie, season and episode:
    episode (String): Number of episode
    season (String): Number of season
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of Serie TV
    seasons JSON List of seasons (only when series). Retrieve numSeason (seasonYear=0) or yearSeason (seasonYear=1) and episodes (date, episode, idIMDB, plot, title, urlPoster)
    similarMovies JSON Similar movies to the searched
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Title
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simplePlot String Simple plot of movie
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    technical JSON Technical details of the movie. Retrieve runtime(List), soundMix(List), color(List), aspectRatio(List), camera(List), laboratory(List), filmLength(List), negativeFormat(List), cinematographicProcess(List), printedFilmFormat(List)
    title String Title of the movie in the language searched. If not specified, the default is "en-us"
    trailer JSON Trailer and information of the movie. Retrieve contentRating(String), courtesyOf(String), description(String), duration(String), qualities(List)(quality, videoURL), relatedNames(List)(id, name), relatedTitles(List)(id, name), title(String), type(String), videoURL(String)
    type String Indicates if movie is: TV Series, TV Episode, Video Game, TV Movie, TV Special, TV Mini-Series, Video or Movie
    urlIMDB String URL of the movie on IMDB
    urlPoster String URL of poster of movie
    votes String Number of votes for the movie
    writers JSON List of writers. Retrieve nameId and name
    year String Year of movie
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    start No 1-100 1 First film to retrieve. Attention: First item is Ranking=100
    end No 1-100 10 Last film to retrieve. If not reported, the film will recover the start parameter. Attention: Last item is Ranking=1
    data No 0, 1 0 0: Retrieves the basic information about the film (chart/top)
    1: Retrieves all information about the film, with defaults options
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actors JSON List of actors with next information:
    actorId: Imdb Id of the actor
    actorName: Name of the actor, actress, director...
    biography: Retrieves all Name Fields
    character: Character played by actor
    main: Indicates whether the principal actor in the cast
    uniqueName: Unique name in Imdb
    urlCharacter: Url of the character
    urlProfile: Url of profile of the actor
    urlPhoto: Url to the photo of the actor
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    akas JSON List of Also Known As. Retrieve country, title and comment
    awards JSON List of awards:
    award (String): Name of Award
    titlesAwards (List): List of awards
    categories (Json): Categories and names
    category (String): Name of category
    names (List): List of names
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name
    role (String): Role
    biography JSON List of Biography. Retrieve bio, birthName, dateOfBirth, height, name, placeOfBirth and urlPhoto
    business JSON Business of the movie. Retrieve budget, openingWeekend, grossUsa and worldwide
    companyCreditsSimple JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve idCompany and name
    companyCreditsFull JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve type and company
    type (String): Section in which the company has participated
    company (JSON): Company information:
    idCompany (String): IMDB ID of the company
    company (String): Name of the company
    countries List List of countries
    directors JSON List of directors. Retrieve nameId and name
    filmingLocations JSON List of filming locations
    location (String): Filming location
    remarks (String): Remark of filming location
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    genres List List of genres
    goofs List List of goofs
    idIMDB String IMDB identifier
    keywords List List of keywords of the movie
    languages List List of languages
    metascore String Metascore of movie
    movieTrivia List List of movie's trivia
    originalTitle String Original title of movie
    plot String Plot of movie
    quotes List List of quotes
    rated String Rate of movie
    rating String Rating of movie
    releaseDate String Release date of the movie
    runtime String Runtime of the movie
    seasonInfo JSON For episodes, retrieves the name of Serie, season and episode:
    episode (String): Number of episode
    season (String): Number of season
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of Serie TV
    seasons JSON List of seasons (only when series). Retrieve numSeason (seasonYear=0) or yearSeason (seasonYear=1) and episodes (date, episode, idIMDB, plot, title, urlPoster)
    similarMovies JSON Similar movies to the searched
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Title
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simplePlot String Simple plot of movie
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    technical JSON Technical details of the movie. Retrieve runtime(List), soundMix(List), color(List), aspectRatio(List), camera(List), laboratory(List), filmLength(List), negativeFormat(List), cinematographicProcess(List), printedFilmFormat(List)
    title String Title of the movie in the language searched. If not specified, the default is "en-us"
    trailer JSON Trailer and information of the movie. Retrieve contentRating(String), courtesyOf(String), description(String), duration(String), qualities(List)(quality, videoURL), relatedNames(List)(id, name), relatedTitles(List)(id, name), title(String), type(String), videoURL(String)
    type String Indicates if movie is: TV Series, TV Episode, Video Game, TV Movie, TV Special, TV Mini-Series, Video or Movie
    urlIMDB String URL of the movie on IMDB
    urlPoster String URL of poster of movie
    votes String Number of votes for the movie
    writers JSON List of writers. Retrieve nameId and name
    year String Year of movie
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
    lang No en-us, es-es, fr-fr, zh-cn... en-us Language for some results. Only works with title, releaseDate and rated
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actors JSON List of actors with next information:
    actorId: Imdb Id of the actor
    actorName: Name of the actor, actress, director...
    biography: Retrieves all Name Fields
    character: Character played by actor
    main: Indicates whether the principal actor in the cast
    uniqueName: Unique name in Imdb
    urlCharacter: Url of the character
    urlProfile: Url of profile of the actor
    urlPhoto: Url to the photo of the actor
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    akas JSON List of Also Known As. Retrieve country, title and comment
    awards JSON List of awards:
    award (String): Name of Award
    titlesAwards (List): List of awards
    categories (Json): Categories and names
    category (String): Name of category
    names (List): List of names
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name
    role (String): Role
    biography JSON List of Biography. Retrieve bio, birthName, dateOfBirth, height, name, placeOfBirth and urlPhoto
    business JSON Business of the movie. Retrieve budget, openingWeekend, grossUsa and worldwide
    companyCreditsSimple JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve idCompany and name
    companyCreditsFull JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve type and company
    type (String): Section in which the company has participated
    company (JSON): Company information:
    idCompany (String): IMDB ID of the company
    company (String): Name of the company
    countries List List of countries
    directors JSON List of directors. Retrieve nameId and name
    filmingLocations JSON List of filming locations
    location (String): Filming location
    remarks (String): Remark of filming location
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    genres List List of genres
    goofs List List of goofs
    idIMDB String IMDB identifier
    keywords List List of keywords of the movie
    languages List List of languages
    metascore String Metascore of movie
    movieTrivia List List of movie's trivia
    originalTitle String Original title of movie
    plot String Plot of movie
    quotes List List of quotes
    rated String Rate of movie
    rating String Rating of movie
    releaseDate String Release date of the movie
    runtime String Runtime of the movie
    seasonInfo JSON For episodes, retrieves the name of Serie, season and episode:
    episode (String): Number of episode
    season (String): Number of season
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of Serie TV
    seasons JSON List of seasons (only when series). Retrieve numSeason (seasonYear=0) or yearSeason (seasonYear=1) and episodes (date, episode, idIMDB, plot, title, urlPoster)
    similarMovies JSON Similar movies to the searched
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Title
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simplePlot String Simple plot of movie
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    technical JSON Technical details of the movie. Retrieve runtime(List), soundMix(List), color(List), aspectRatio(List), camera(List), laboratory(List), filmLength(List), negativeFormat(List), cinematographicProcess(List), printedFilmFormat(List)
    title String Title of the movie in the language searched. If not specified, the default is "en-us"
    trailer JSON Trailer and information of the movie. Retrieve contentRating(String), courtesyOf(String), description(String), duration(String), qualities(List)(quality, videoURL), relatedNames(List)(id, name), relatedTitles(List)(id, name), title(String), type(String), videoURL(String)
    type String Indicates if movie is: TV Series, TV Episode, Video Game, TV Movie, TV Special, TV Mini-Series, Video or Movie
    urlIMDB String URL of the movie on IMDB
    urlPoster String URL of poster of movie
    votes String Number of votes for the movie
    writers JSON List of writers. Retrieve nameId and name
    year String Year of movie
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
    lang No en-us, es-es, fr-fr, zh-cn... en-us Language for some results. Only works with title, releaseDate and rated
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actors JSON List of actors with next information:
    actorId: Imdb Id of the actor
    actorName: Name of the actor, actress, director...
    biography: Retrieves all Name Fields
    character: Character played by actor
    main: Indicates whether the principal actor in the cast
    uniqueName: Unique name in Imdb
    urlCharacter: Url of the character
    urlProfile: Url of profile of the actor
    urlPhoto: Url to the photo of the actor
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    akas JSON List of Also Known As. Retrieve country, title and comment
    awards JSON List of awards:
    award (String): Name of Award
    titlesAwards (List): List of awards
    categories (Json): Categories and names
    category (String): Name of category
    names (List): List of names
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name
    role (String): Role
    biography JSON List of Biography. Retrieve bio, birthName, dateOfBirth, height, name, placeOfBirth and urlPhoto
    business JSON Business of the movie. Retrieve budget, openingWeekend, grossUsa and worldwide
    companyCreditsSimple JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve idCompany and name
    companyCreditsFull JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve type and company
    type (String): Section in which the company has participated
    company (JSON): Company information:
    idCompany (String): IMDB ID of the company
    company (String): Name of the company
    countries List List of countries
    directors JSON List of directors. Retrieve nameId and name
    filmingLocations JSON List of filming locations
    location (String): Filming location
    remarks (String): Remark of filming location
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    genres List List of genres
    goofs List List of goofs
    idIMDB String IMDB identifier
    keywords List List of keywords of the movie
    languages List List of languages
    metascore String Metascore of movie
    movieTrivia List List of movie's trivia
    originalTitle String Original title of movie
    plot String Plot of movie
    quotes List List of quotes
    rated String Rate of movie
    rating String Rating of movie
    releaseDate String Release date of the movie
    runtime String Runtime of the movie
    seasonInfo JSON For episodes, retrieves the name of Serie, season and episode:
    episode (String): Number of episode
    season (String): Number of season
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of Serie TV
    seasons JSON List of seasons (only when series). Retrieve numSeason (seasonYear=0) or yearSeason (seasonYear=1) and episodes (date, episode, idIMDB, plot, title, urlPoster)
    similarMovies JSON Similar movies to the searched
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Title
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simplePlot String Simple plot of movie
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    technical JSON Technical details of the movie. Retrieve runtime(List), soundMix(List), color(List), aspectRatio(List), camera(List), laboratory(List), filmLength(List), negativeFormat(List), cinematographicProcess(List), printedFilmFormat(List)
    title String Title of the movie in the language searched. If not specified, the default is "en-us"
    trailer JSON Trailer and information of the movie. Retrieve contentRating(String), courtesyOf(String), description(String), duration(String), qualities(List)(quality, videoURL), relatedNames(List)(id, name), relatedTitles(List)(id, name), title(String), type(String), videoURL(String)
    type String Indicates if movie is: TV Series, TV Episode, Video Game, TV Movie, TV Special, TV Mini-Series, Video or Movie
    urlIMDB String URL of the movie on IMDB
    urlPoster String URL of poster of movie
    votes String Number of votes for the movie
    writers JSON List of writers. Retrieve nameId and name
    year String Year of movie
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
    trailer No 0, 1, 2 0 Type of trailers to retrieve:
    0: Popular Trailers
    1: Recently Added
    2: Most Anticipated
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actors JSON List of actors with next information:
    actorId: Imdb Id of the actor
    actorName: Name of the actor, actress, director...
    biography: Retrieves all Name Fields
    character: Character played by actor
    main: Indicates whether the principal actor in the cast
    uniqueName: Unique name in Imdb
    urlCharacter: Url of the character
    urlProfile: Url of profile of the actor
    urlPhoto: Url to the photo of the actor
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    akas JSON List of Also Known As. Retrieve country, title and comment
    awards JSON List of awards:
    award (String): Name of Award
    titlesAwards (List): List of awards
    categories (Json): Categories and names
    category (String): Name of category
    names (List): List of names
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name
    role (String): Role
    biography JSON List of Biography. Retrieve bio, birthName, dateOfBirth, height, name, placeOfBirth and urlPhoto
    business JSON Business of the movie. Retrieve budget, openingWeekend, grossUsa and worldwide
    companyCreditsSimple JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve idCompany and name
    companyCreditsFull JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve type and company
    type (String): Section in which the company has participated
    company (JSON): Company information:
    idCompany (String): IMDB ID of the company
    company (String): Name of the company
    countries List List of countries
    directors JSON List of directors. Retrieve nameId and name
    filmingLocations JSON List of filming locations
    location (String): Filming location
    remarks (String): Remark of filming location
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    genres List List of genres
    goofs List List of goofs
    idIMDB String IMDB identifier
    keywords List List of keywords of the movie
    languages List List of languages
    metascore String Metascore of movie
    movieTrivia List List of movie's trivia
    originalTitle String Original title of movie
    plot String Plot of movie
    quotes List List of quotes
    rated String Rate of movie
    rating String Rating of movie
    releaseDate String Release date of the movie
    runtime String Runtime of the movie
    seasonInfo JSON For episodes, retrieves the name of Serie, season and episode:
    episode (String): Number of episode
    season (String): Number of season
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of Serie TV
    seasons JSON List of seasons (only when series). Retrieve numSeason (seasonYear=0) or yearSeason (seasonYear=1) and episodes (date, episode, idIMDB, plot, title, urlPoster)
    similarMovies JSON Similar movies to the searched
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Title
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simplePlot String Simple plot of movie
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    technical JSON Technical details of the movie. Retrieve runtime(List), soundMix(List), color(List), aspectRatio(List), camera(List), laboratory(List), filmLength(List), negativeFormat(List), cinematographicProcess(List), printedFilmFormat(List)
    title String Title of the movie in the language searched. If not specified, the default is "en-us"
    trailer JSON Trailer and information of the movie. Retrieve contentRating(String), courtesyOf(String), description(String), duration(String), qualities(List)(quality, videoURL), relatedNames(List)(id, name), relatedTitles(List)(id, name), title(String), type(String), videoURL(String)
    type String Indicates if movie is: TV Series, TV Episode, Video Game, TV Movie, TV Special, TV Mini-Series, Video or Movie
    urlIMDB String URL of the movie on IMDB
    urlPoster String URL of poster of movie
    votes String Number of votes for the movie
    writers JSON List of writers. Retrieve nameId and name
    year String Year of movie
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    boxofficeGrossUsStart No Filter of boxoffice Gross US (in millions, for example: 600). To get a range inform boxofficeGrossUsEnd
    boxofficeGrossUsEnd No Filter of boxoffice Gross US. To get a range inform boxofficeGrossUsStart
    count No 1-100 50 Number of registers per page
    genres No action , adventure , animation , biography , comedy , crime , documentary , drama , family , fantasy , game-show , history , horror , music , musical , mystery , news , reality-tv , romance , sci-fi , short , sport , talk-show , thriller , war , western Genre filter to return the movies. More than one can be used
    keywords No action-hero , martial-arts , tough-guy , hero , violence , fistfight , brawl , showdown , hand-to-hand-combat , shootout , pistol , warrior , blood , gunfight , one-man-army , fight , murder , machine-gun , explosion , disarming-someone , mixed-martial-arts , chase , combat , one-against-many , ambush , knife , cult-film , revenge , character-name-in-title , blood-splatter , death , kung-fu , battle , martial-artist , bare-chested-male , beating , shot-in-the-chest , shot-to-death , shotgun , semiautomatic-pistol , stylized-violence , rescue , sequel , independent-film , fighting , punched-in-the-face , sword-fight , held-at-gunpoint , karate , kidnapping , anti-hero , martial-arts-master , sword , revolver , car-chase , foot-chase , duel , police , helicopter , good-versus-evil , opening-action-scene , surprise-ending , hostage , falling-from-height , exploding-car , kiss , ganster , flashback , betrayal , shoot-in-the-head , escape , tough-girl , deception , superhero , shoot-in-the-back , gun , brutality , torture , chop-socky , slow-motion-scene , soldier , ak-47 , karate-chop , title-spoken-by-character , kicked-in-the-face , villain , terrorist , assassin , terrorism , fire , uzi , corpse , gore , bar , battlefield , silencer , bomb , motorcycle , hitman , henchman Keywords filter to return the movies. More than one can be used
    numVotesStart No Filter of number of votes. To get a range inform numVotesEnd
    numVotesEnd No Filter of number of votes. Send empty to get at least numVotesStart votes. Not send this parameter to get numVotesStart exactly votes
    order No asc, desc asc Order to return the movies
    page No 1 To page the results
    releaseDateStart No Initial release date from which to search. The format is YYYY-MM-DD
    releaseDateEnd No Final release date from which to search. The format is YYYY-MM-DD
    runtimeStart No Filter of runtime. To get a range inform runtimeEnd
    runtimeEnd No Filter of runtime. To get a range inform runtimeStart
    searchFilter No moviemeter, alpha, user_rating, num_votes, boxoffice_gross_us, runtime, year, release_date_us moviemeter Filter or filters used to return the movies. More than one can be used
    title No Title of movie(s)
    titleType No feature,tv_movie,tv_series,mini_series Title type filter to return the movies. More than one can be used
    userRatingStart No Filter of user rating. To get a range inform userRatingEnd
    userRatingEnd No Filter of user rating. To get a range inform userRatingStart
    yearStart No Filter of year. To get a range inform yearEnd
    yearEnd No Filter of year. To get a range inform yearStart
    Title parameters No Can additionally add the parameters of title (<YOUR_TOKEN>&actors=1). Requires a donation
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actors JSON List of actors with next information:
    actorId: Imdb Id of the actor
    actorName: Name of the actor, actress, director...
    biography: Retrieves all Name Fields
    character: Character played by actor
    main: Indicates whether the principal actor in the cast
    uniqueName: Unique name in Imdb
    urlCharacter: Url of the character
    urlProfile: Url of profile of the actor
    urlPhoto: Url to the photo of the actor
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    akas JSON List of Also Known As. Retrieve country, title and comment
    awards JSON List of awards:
    award (String): Name of Award
    titlesAwards (List): List of awards
    categories (Json): Categories and names
    category (String): Name of category
    names (List): List of names
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name
    role (String): Role
    biography JSON List of Biography. Retrieve bio, birthName, dateOfBirth, height, name, placeOfBirth and urlPhoto
    business JSON Business of the movie. Retrieve budget, openingWeekend, grossUsa and worldwide
    companyCreditsSimple JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve idCompany and name
    companyCreditsFull JSON List of the companies credits: Retrieve type and company
    type (String): Section in which the company has participated
    company (JSON): Company information:
    idCompany (String): IMDB ID of the company
    company (String): Name of the company
    countries List List of countries
    directors JSON List of directors. Retrieve nameId and name
    filmingLocations JSON List of filming locations
    location (String): Filming location
    remarks (String): Remark of filming location
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    genres List List of genres
    goofs List List of goofs
    idIMDB String IMDB identifier
    keywords List List of keywords of the movie
    languages List List of languages
    metascore String Metascore of movie
    movieTrivia List List of movie's trivia
    originalTitle String Original title of movie
    plot String Plot of movie
    quotes List List of quotes
    rated String Rate of movie
    rating String Rating of movie
    releaseDate String Release date of the movie
    runtime String Runtime of the movie
    seasonInfo JSON For episodes, retrieves the name of Serie, season and episode:
    episode (String): Number of episode
    season (String): Number of season
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of Serie TV
    seasons JSON List of seasons (only when series). Retrieve numSeason (seasonYear=0) or yearSeason (seasonYear=1) and episodes (date, episode, idIMDB, plot, title, urlPoster)
    similarMovies JSON Similar movies to the searched
    id (String): Id of IMDB
    name (String): Name of movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Title
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simplePlot String Simple plot of movie
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    technical JSON Technical details of the movie. Retrieve runtime(List), soundMix(List), color(List), aspectRatio(List), camera(List), laboratory(List), filmLength(List), negativeFormat(List), cinematographicProcess(List), printedFilmFormat(List)
    title String Title of the movie in the language searched. If not specified, the default is "en-us"
    trailer JSON Trailer and information of the movie. Retrieve contentRating(String), courtesyOf(String), description(String), duration(String), qualities(List)(quality, videoURL), relatedNames(List)(id, name), relatedTitles(List)(id, name), title(String), type(String), videoURL(String)
    type String Indicates if movie is: TV Series, TV Episode, Video Game, TV Movie, TV Special, TV Mini-Series, Video or Movie
    urlIMDB String URL of the movie on IMDB
    urlPoster String URL of poster of movie
    votes String Number of votes for the movie
    writers JSON List of writers. Retrieve nameId and name
    year String Year of movie
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
    Filters for titles
    Filters for keywords
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    actorTrivia List List of actor's trivia
    alternateNames List List of alternate names
    bio String Biography of the actor
    birthName String Name of birth
    born String Dates and places of birth
    dateOfBirth String Date of birth of the actor
    died String Dates and places of death
    filmographies JSON Filmography of the actor. Retrive filmography(JSON) (IMDBId(String), remarks(List), title(String), year(String)) and section(String)
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    height String Height of the actor
    idIMDB String IMDB Id of name
    name String Name of the actor
    personalQuotes List Personal quotes of the actor
    nickname String Nickname of the actor
    placeOfBirth String Place of birth of the actor
    salaries JSON Salaries of the actor:
    salary (String): Salary
    year (String): Year of salary
    nameId (Json): Name of the movie and the IMDB ID
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Salary
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    spouse JSON Spouses of the actor:
    childrens (String): Number of childrens
    dateFrom (String): Start date of the relationship
    dateTo (String): End date of the relationship
    nameId (Json): Name of the spouse and the Name ID
    id (String): Name ID of the spouse
    name (String): Name of the spouse
    starMeter String Star meter of actor
    starSign String Star sign of actor
    tradeMark List Trade mark of the actor
    uniqueName String Unique identifier name IMDB
    urlPhoto String URL actor photo
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    country Yes US, ES, UK... Country code
    postalCode Yes Postal code of the area where to search the schedules
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
    cinemaId No ^ci\\d{7}$ Cinema Identifier
    date No Date in format YYYY-MM-DD
    imdbId No ^tt\\d{7}$ Imdb identifier of movie
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    actorTrivia List List of actor's trivia
    alternateNames List List of alternate names
    bio String Biography of the actor
    birthName String Name of birth
    born String Dates and places of birth
    dateOfBirth String Date of birth of the actor
    died String Dates and places of death
    filmographies JSON Filmography of the actor. Retrive filmography(JSON) (IMDBId(String), remarks(List), title(String), year(String)) and section(String)
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    height String Height of the actor
    idIMDB String IMDB Id of name
    name String Name of the actor
    personalQuotes List Personal quotes of the actor
    nickname String Nickname of the actor
    placeOfBirth String Place of birth of the actor
    salaries JSON Salaries of the actor:
    salary (String): Salary
    year (String): Year of salary
    nameId (Json): Name of the movie and the IMDB ID
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Salary
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    spouse JSON Spouses of the actor:
    childrens (String): Number of childrens
    dateFrom (String): Start date of the relationship
    dateTo (String): End date of the relationship
    nameId (Json): Name of the spouse and the Name ID
    id (String): Name ID of the spouse
    name (String): Name of the spouse
    starMeter String Star meter of actor
    starSign String Star sign of actor
    tradeMark List Trade mark of the actor
    uniqueName String Unique identifier name IMDB
    urlPhoto String URL actor photo
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    idName Yes ^nm\\d{7}$ Name Id of actor/actress
    actorActress No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the sex of the character (actor or actress)
    actorPhotos No 0, 1, 2 0 Photos of the actor:
    0: Doesn't retrieve photos
    1: Retrieves preview photos
    2: Retrieves full information of the photos
    actorTrivia No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the trivialities of the actors
    actorVideos No 0, 1, 2 0 Videos of the actor:
    0: Doesn't retrieve videos
    1: Retrieves preview videos
    2: Retrieves full information of the videos
    alternateNames No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the alternate names of a person
    bornDied No 0, 1 0 Dates and places of birth and death of actor/actress
    filmography No 0, 1 0 Filmography of the name
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
    fullSize No 0, 1 0 Real size of image
    lang No en-us, es-es, fr-fr, zh-cn... en-us Language for some results. Only works with title, releaseDate and rated
    personalQuotes No 0, 1 0 Personal Quotes of the actor/actress
    salary No 0, 1 0 Salary of the actor/actress
    spouses No 0, 1 0 Spouses of the actor/actress
    starMeter No 0, 1 0 Star meter of actor/actress
    starSign No 0, 1 0 Star sign of actor/actress
    tradeMark No 0, 1 0 Trade Mark of the actor/actress
    uniqueName No 0, 1 0 Unique Name of the actor in IMDB
    callback No myapifilms Callback function name for JSONP
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    actorTrivia List List of actor's trivia
    alternateNames List List of alternate names
    bio String Biography of the actor
    birthName String Name of birth
    born String Dates and places of birth
    dateOfBirth String Date of birth of the actor
    died String Dates and places of death
    filmographies JSON Filmography of the actor. Retrive filmography(JSON) (IMDBId(String), remarks(List), title(String), year(String)) and section(String)
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    height String Height of the actor
    idIMDB String IMDB Id of name
    name String Name of the actor
    personalQuotes List Personal quotes of the actor
    nickname String Nickname of the actor
    placeOfBirth String Place of birth of the actor
    salaries JSON Salaries of the actor:
    salary (String): Salary
    year (String): Year of salary
    nameId (Json): Name of the movie and the IMDB ID
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Salary
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    spouse JSON Spouses of the actor:
    childrens (String): Number of childrens
    dateFrom (String): Start date of the relationship
    dateTo (String): End date of the relationship
    nameId (Json): Name of the spouse and the Name ID
    id (String): Name ID of the spouse
    name (String): Name of the spouse
    starMeter String Star meter of actor
    starSign String Star sign of actor
    tradeMark List Trade mark of the actor
    uniqueName String Unique identifier name IMDB
    urlPhoto String URL actor photo
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    name Yes Name of actor/actress
    actorActress No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the sex of the character (actor or actress)
    actorPhotos No 0, 1, 2 0 Photos of the actor:
    0: Doesn't retrieve photos
    1: Retrieves preview photos
    2: Retrieves full information of the photos
    actorTrivia No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the trivialities of the actors
    actorVideos No 0, 1, 2 0 Videos of the actor:
    0: Doesn't retrieve videos
    1: Retrieves preview videos
    2: Retrieves full information of the videos
    alternateNames No 0, 1 0 Retrieves the alternate names of a person
    bornDied No 0, 1 0 Dates and places of birth and death of actor/actress
    exactFilter No 0, 1 0 Retrieve the actor/actress with exact name
    filmography No 0, 1 0 Filmography of the name
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
    fullSize No 0, 1 0 Real size of image
    lang No en-us, es-es, fr-fr, zh-cn... en-us Language for some results. Only works with title, releaseDate and rated
    limit No 1 to 10 1 Maximum limit results
    offset No 0 Number of results that will be ignored before retrieving indicated on limit
    personalQuotes No 0, 1 0 Personal Quotes of the actor/actress
    salary No 0, 1 0 Salary of the actor/actress
    spouses No 0, 1 0 Spouses of the actor/actress
    starMeter No 0, 1 0 Star meter of actor/actress
    starSign No 0, 1 0 Star sign of actor/actress
    tradeMark No 0, 1 0 Trade Mark of the actor/actress
    uniqueName No 0, 1 0 Unique Name of the actor in IMDB
    callback No myapifilms Callback function name for JSONP
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    actorTrivia List List of actor's trivia
    alternateNames List List of alternate names
    bio String Biography of the actor
    birthName String Name of birth
    born String Dates and places of birth
    dateOfBirth String Date of birth of the actor
    died String Dates and places of death
    filmographies JSON Filmography of the actor. Retrive filmography(JSON) (IMDBId(String), remarks(List), title(String), year(String)) and section(String)
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    height String Height of the actor
    idIMDB String IMDB Id of name
    name String Name of the actor
    personalQuotes List Personal quotes of the actor
    nickname String Nickname of the actor
    placeOfBirth String Place of birth of the actor
    salaries JSON Salaries of the actor:
    salary (String): Salary
    year (String): Year of salary
    nameId (Json): Name of the movie and the IMDB ID
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Salary
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    spouse JSON Spouses of the actor:
    childrens (String): Number of childrens
    dateFrom (String): Start date of the relationship
    dateTo (String): End date of the relationship
    nameId (Json): Name of the spouse and the Name ID
    id (String): Name ID of the spouse
    name (String): Name of the spouse
    starMeter String Star meter of actor
    starSign String Star sign of actor
    tradeMark List Trade mark of the actor
    uniqueName String Unique identifier name IMDB
    urlPhoto String URL actor photo
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults
  • settingsParameters
    Parameter Required Valid Options Default Description
    format No json, xml json Format in which the data is returned. It's important that it be lowercase
  • reorderFields
    Field Type Description
    actorActress String Indicate if is an Actor or an Actress
    actorTrivia List List of actor's trivia
    alternateNames List List of alternate names
    bio String Biography of the actor
    birthName String Name of birth
    born String Dates and places of birth
    dateOfBirth String Date of birth of the actor
    died String Dates and places of death
    filmographies JSON Filmography of the actor. Retrive filmography(JSON) (IMDBId(String), remarks(List), title(String), year(String)) and section(String)
    fullImages JSON Complete information of the photos
    photoCaption (String): Photo Caption
    photoCredit (String): Photo Credit
    photoDate (String): Photo Date
    title (String): Title of the photo
    characters (String): Character of the actor
    id (String): IMDB ID of the character
    name (String): Name of the character
    names (String): Name of the people in the photo
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    titles (String): Photo related titles
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    fullVideos JSON Complete information of the videos
    contentRating (String): Content rating
    courtesyOf (String): Video courtesy of
    description (String): Description of the video
    duration (String): Duration of the video
    title (String): Title of the video
    type (String): Type of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the page of the video
    qualities (String): Qualities of the video
    quality (String): Quality of the video
    videoURL (String): URL of the video
    relatedNames (String): Related names of the video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the person
    name (String): Name of the person
    relatedTitles (String): Related titles with video
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    height String Height of the actor
    idIMDB String IMDB Id of name
    name String Name of the actor
    personalQuotes List Personal quotes of the actor
    nickname String Nickname of the actor
    placeOfBirth String Place of birth of the actor
    salaries JSON Salaries of the actor:
    salary (String): Salary
    year (String): Year of salary
    nameId (Json): Name of the movie and the IMDB ID
    id (String): IMDB ID of the movie
    name (String): Name of the movie
    simpleImages JSON Information of the photos preview
    title (String): Salary
    urlImage (String): URL of the photo
    simpleVideos JSON Information of the videos preview
    context (String): Context of the video
    idVideo (String): Video Id
    title (String): Title of the video
    urlSnapshot (String): URL of the snapshot
    spouse JSON Spouses of the actor:
    childrens (String): Number of childrens
    dateFrom (String): Start date of the relationship
    dateTo (String): End date of the relationship
    nameId (Json): Name of the spouse and the Name ID
    id (String): Name ID of the spouse
    name (String): Name of the spouse
    starMeter String Star meter of actor
    starSign String Star sign of actor
    tradeMark List Trade mark of the actor
    uniqueName String Unique identifier name IMDB
    urlPhoto String URL actor photo
  • warningErrors
    Code Message
    101 Format not valid
    102 Language not supported
    103 Invalid AKA value
    104 Invalid Business value
    105 Invalid Season value
    106 Invalid Technical value
    107 Invalid Filter value
    108 Invalid Exact Filter value
    109 Invalid Limit value
    110 Movie not found
    111 IMDB Id and Title can not be empty
    112 Incorrect IMDB Id
    113 Service Unavailable
    114 IMDB Id and Title can not be filled
    115 Too many actors to retrieve: "N". Maximum: "M". Disable biography and/or uniqueName parameters to retrieve all actors
    116 Trailer not found
    117 Title character encoding is not supported
    118 Too many results
    119 No results
    120 Postal code required
    121 Country required
    122 Imdb Id required
    211 Name Id and Name can not be empty
    212 Incorrect IMDB Id Name
    213 Name not found
    300 IMDB is rejecting requests
    505 Limit reached
    507 You have reached the maximum of 5 requests in 10 seconds
    509 Search too long, filter without seasons and/or actors
    510 Not have permission to get parameter
    513 Invalid token
    514 Image not available
    515 Option disabled temporaily
    516 Not information found
    517 This IP has used another token
    998 No parameters informed
    999 Internal Error
  • movieExample
  • codeResults